8 Week Challenge

You know that nutrition and exercise are key ingredients for how you look and feel, and how you are able to perform in your day to day life. No matter if you're just starting out, or you want to shake up your routine and keep progressing, my 8 Week Challenge program can help you:

  • build physical strength and speed
  • improve your endurance so you can do the things you want without feeling winded or tired
  • increase your confidence and comfort in your skin
  • incorporate lifestyle habits that will sustain your results over time. 

The Challenge has everything you need to get results:

  • weekly workout plans with a mix of strength and cardio
  • demo videos to help you nail proper form
  • a guide to eating for fat loss
  • a complete shopping list
  • simple meal planning template, and
  • a ton of healthy recipes and snack ideas
  • help making healthy choices at restaurants 
  • how to avoid common lifestyle mistakes that sabotage weight-loss efforts
  • support and accountability

Once you join the Challenge, you'll get your first lesson, welcoming you to the program and setting you up for success. 

Each week, you'll have access to a new lesson with your weekly workout plan, demo video, tips for success and healthy recipes and snack ideas. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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